Thursday, August 19, 2010

When I Grow Up...

When I grow up, I want to be an Intergalactic Space Pirate. Maybe I will be so infamous they will make comic books and TV shows about me. Maybe a movie or two. That would be pretty cool. Now I’m pretty excited to grow up!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Thoughts

Sometimes I think it would be fun and/or interesting if I had intelligent thoughts. So the other day I decided to sit down and think about how public schools stifle the creativity of their students through their focus on standardized testing. I soon became bored with that and proceeded to see how many Oreos I could fit in my mouth.*

*4. That’s how many Oreos I fit in mouth before I couldn’t resist the urge to eat them anymore.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Wouldn’t it be sad if someone missed their older brother’s wedding because he thought that his brother was just joking and the rest of his family was in on the joke? Yeah, that defiantly did not happen to me last weekend.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Science has proved that robots will take over the world on or around April 16th, 2032. In preparation for this day I am practicing my robot dancing and robot noises so I can assimilate faster in the hopes that our new robot masters will think I am showing great initiative and give me better treatment. I urge you all to do the same.*

*No. Robots are not making me write this. That would be ridiculous. You have a crazy imagination. What did you think? A couple of robots kidnapped me and forced me to write whatever they told me? That would never happen. My computer wrote it for me.

Monday, July 26, 2010

New site! Sort of...

So, I'm building a web site because I'm a nerd. Its called You can check it out now. The idea is to move my blog there someday when I learn how to do that. Knowing me, that could be a while. Anyways, check out the site, give me some feedback. Any reasonable suggestions would be greatly appreciated (keyword is reasonable).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Funny story...

Funny story for you. I accidentally deleted this blog. Luckily, Google is prepared for illiterate idiots like me! So I got it back. But now I have to give up my first born child to Google.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Whenever I see a bird hopping around on the ground, I like to pretend its a dinosaur. Its fun until I realize that there are many dinosaurs surrounding me. Then it becomes a little scary. That's when I go back to pretending that they are birds. In 5 minutes I forget and do it all over again.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Geek vs. Nerd...

I was recently at a dinner party*. We came upon the discussion of what a nerd was. We talked on this subject matter for a few minutes. Then another member of our group asked, "Well, what's a geek then?" We began describing what a geek was. But we were having trouble. No one was quite happy with the definitions we were coming up with. It seemed that no one could adequately describe what either was.

Now, I'm not going to put what I think a geek or nerd is just yet because I don't want it swaying what you write. I don't want you to read what I say and think, "Wow. Sam makes a very persuasive and logical argument as to what the difference between a geek and a nerd is. He is obviously right (and it might be safe to say a genius), so I'll use his definitions." I'm glad you think all that, but we don't want that. You can do this without my help. Yes, you can. Even you. Especially You.

So I want to know what you think the difference is. Maybe there is no difference. I hear the words used interchangeably, but I believe that is incorrect usage of the words. I believe that there is a difference. I just cannot put my finger on it. Tell me what you think, please. I asked nicely, so that means you have to...or else. Just kidding. But seriously, do it.

*Let me explain what I mean. I was with some friends and we were eating chips and drinking soda (the dinner part) and we were playing some Xbox (the party part). I chose to use dinner party because make me sound more sophisticated. You are probably saying right now "Sam, you're crazy! You're the most sophisticated guy I know!" And to you I say, "Thank you. I really appreciate that, but I didn't even know how to spell sophisticated. The little demons inside of my computer did it for me. But I appreciate the support!"

Saturday, May 29, 2010

If You Asked Me...

If you asked me what one of my biggest fears was, I would have to say waking up as some delicious dessert. Why you ask? It's because I don't think I would have the self-restraint to stop from eating myself. There you have it.

And before you start sending me e-mails, texts, and messenger pigeons whining about how I stole this from Community, I know I did. Let me tell you why. As I watched Troy tell his fear, it struck me: that would be a terrible thing! I would hate for that to happen to me. therefore, it is one of my biggest fears.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bear Fights (Part II)...

Some of you have asked me what I would do in the earlier posted scenario. So this is what I would do:

1.Realize that the bear is in fact a man in a bear suit,
2.Go up to him and compliment him on the realism of his outfit, and
3.Go back to my campsite and have a dance party with him.

Pretty simple actually.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bear Fights...

Imagine you're on a nice walk in the woods. Everything is perfect--birds chirping, good smelling pine trees, sun shining. You look up the trail and your eyes widen. A bear is up ahead.What do you do? Good question.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where You Are...

I realized something today. It's not what is in a place that makes it fun, it's who is there that makes it fun. I could be in a boring cement room, but be perfectly happy if Batman was there. Imagine how cool that would be! Batman and you in a room! He could show you all of his sweet arm blades and karate skills. And of course he would be talking in that sweet voice.

What I am trying to say is that no matter where you are, you can have fun if you have the right people with you. So next time you are going somewhere "boring", get your friends to go with you. And if they don't want to go, drug them and kidnap them so they have to come with you.

(If you don't have any friends, make some. Fast.)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Have Concluded...

If you have been wondering (you probably haven't, but I have), Rexburg water is worse than Provo city water. This is my conclusion. Just for your information.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Rexburg, Idaho...

Not much can be said about Rexburg, Idaho. Mainly because there is not much here. There are a couple of Subway's. About 2 per person to be precise. Why? I don't know. The most happening place is Walmart. And there is a pretty cool park: Porter's Park.

However, one good thing can be said about Rexburg is Craigo's. This place is an amazing pizza and pasta buffet. Eat 'til your stomach explodes. That's what I do.

Well I'm here for another week or so.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I Once Learned Something...

I once learned something long ago. I forget what it was. Deal with it. All I know is that I didn't like it. So I decided to never do it again.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Final Days...

I should be packing. But instead I am wondering how cool it would be if I were to draw stuff all over my walls in invisible ink. That way if the person who will eventually move into my room happened to have a black light, they would be like "Whoa!"

I would do something cool like draw a treasure map. Of course that would mean that I would have to go bury something. Maybe I should think this through more.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Brushing My Teeth...

When I brush my teeth, I like to make it look like I have rabies.


Friends are a hard thing to have. They become your family and you love them. They were there during the good times, but more importantly they were there during the hard times. But sometimes you are asked to leave them, and its heartbreaking. That's what makes having friends so hard. You know that you may never see them again. It rips you apart inside. But all you can do is say okay and hope that everything will work out for the best.

Sorry, that wasn't very funny. So I will leave you with the world's funniest joke:

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?". The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Hidden SNL Digital Short...

I have never seen this one before. I enjoyed it. Maybe you will too. Maybe you won't. I don't really care either way.

A Serious Matter for Once...

Let's have a little chat.

Usually I ask people for money for myself. This time it's a little different.

The is a country in Africa called Uganda. In that country there are people who need eye surgeries but cannot afford them. I know, it's very sad. However, you can help. There is a site called The Tipping Bucket. They are currently trying to raise $3000 to perform eye surgeries in Uganda. They are currently a little over $1700 short. That's where you can help! Go on over to their site and donate a little. You can give a lot or you can give a little (give a lot, you know you want to).

Please help. You'll feel all fuzzy inside. Again the site is, go there now. And they are only collecting money for a few more days, so hurry! Tell everyone you know! Everyone can help, especially you!

Batman would donate, so shouldn't you?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Life...

As I sit here I can't help but think about everything I have to do--write papers, study for finals, write more papers, pack up and move. With all these pressing issues, one keeps coming back to mind over and over. What is that you say? Well I'll tell you! Why in the world is grass-type super-effective against water-type!? It makes no sense! Yes electric-type being super-effective against water-types makes sense. But grass? It just doesn't make sense.

I guess we may never know. Some things are just aren't meant to be figured out I guess.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Olympic Gold Medals...

I had a dream this morning that I had won three Olympic gold medals. When I woke up I was so proud of myself. And then I remembered: I'm me! I could never win three gold medals! Maybe two, but definitely not three.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Thought...

I once had a thought. It wasn't the most pleasant experience of my life, so I decided to never have one again.

My Favorite Dinosaur Is...

My favorite dinosaur is the parasaurolophus.

You don't know which that one is!? You're crazy/uneducated (You choose the one that fits you best)! Here is a picture:

Coolest dinosaur ever? Yeah probably.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Introducing Mr. Wyview!

So recently I was crowned Mr. Wyview. Basically it means nothing, but I got a crown. So that's pretty cool.
That is the wrong picture, but this was 4 hours before I won.

There we go. This was minutes after I won. Majestic right?

But more importantly, I won a basket of food that I'm supposed to use for a date, But choosing a girl is so hard these days, so I need your help.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

53 Minutes Past Midnight...

As I sit here writing a paper, I ask myself, "what kind of toaster strudels does Batman like?" So I decided to do a little research. A very reliable source (some random guy on the internet) told me that Batman likes the s'mores kind. Thank you internet.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today I learned that shampoo does not taste like it smells.


We watched this short film in my film class. It is really good. Watch it. Love it. Obey its every command.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today I thought of Batman talking to himself...again.

Monday, February 1, 2010

When I Sleep...

When I sleep, I am boring. I don't talk, and I don't walk. I just sleep. At least that's what I thought until I woke up one morning with my retainer, earplugs, blankets, and pillows across the room. That's right, I throw stuff in my sleep. I am a sleep thrower. Watch out.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

From the Phone...

Hey all you!
I'm just seeing if this works. If it does I can post to my blog from anywhere my phone works. That's...exciting.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sometimes I Wonder...

Sometimes I wonder...then I lose my train of thought. Oh well.

My Dream...

Today I had a dream. I dreamed that I woke up, got ready, rode the bus to school, went to classes, rode the bus home, did my homework, and then ate some cereal with spoiled milk. It was the most boring dream ever. Then I woke up. After waking up I realized that I had not been asleep and that I had not been dreaming.

Dear Internet...

Dear Internet,

I have never blogged before. Please treat me nicely.

Basically, I have random thoughts that I feel I should share with the world, so that's what I am going to do. I'm going to post approximately whenever I feel like it. Deal with it, I know you can.

