Friday, July 15, 2011

The Supreme Court...

The Supreme Court is one of the things that makes our government the bestest of them all. They get over like 3 bazillion appeals every year, but they only choose a few that are the most important to actually look at. I imagine that it is a very stressful very everyone involved.

Imagine with me for minute.

After years of research, preparation, and appeals, you are finally up to the Supreme Court. As you stand before the large doors that lead into the courtroom, you feel nervous, tense, and anxious. Maybe you even feel like crying. I don’t know. I’m not you.

You slowly open the doors. Your heart starts pounding. Thump thump. Thump thump. Then, out of nowhere, you hear a baby laugh. You look up. There, at the bench, sit 9 babies all dressed in black robes. “Hey, what’s going on here…” you say. Right then, Chief Justice Roberts pokes his head around the corner. “April Fools!” He shouts. “But it’s November,” you exclaim.

“You should have seen the look on your face. You were all like ‘Whaaaa???’” Roberts says as he swaps places with the baby in his seat, “We got you good.”

“Haha! You sure did. I was like, ‘seriously? A bunch of babies are going to be ruling on my case?’”

Everyone is laughing now. The mood in the room is now very jovial and friendly—the perfect environment for discussing the Constitution.

This is what the Supreme Court should be doing! They are way too serious all the time. In their picture, like 2 of them are smiling. I think the use of practical jokes would help with their image of just being a bunch of grumpy old people. Instead of headlines like “Drug Makers Win Two Supreme Court Decisions”, we could have headlines like, “Whoopee cushion goes off as Justice Scalia sits down; Giggling heard from Justice Elena Kagan”.

“Justice Stephen Breyer wears fake mustache as he reads decision on death penalty.”
I just think there could be some room for improvement. That's all I'm trying to say.

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