Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Geek vs. Nerd...

I was recently at a dinner party*. We came upon the discussion of what a nerd was. We talked on this subject matter for a few minutes. Then another member of our group asked, "Well, what's a geek then?" We began describing what a geek was. But we were having trouble. No one was quite happy with the definitions we were coming up with. It seemed that no one could adequately describe what either was.

Now, I'm not going to put what I think a geek or nerd is just yet because I don't want it swaying what you write. I don't want you to read what I say and think, "Wow. Sam makes a very persuasive and logical argument as to what the difference between a geek and a nerd is. He is obviously right (and it might be safe to say a genius), so I'll use his definitions." I'm glad you think all that, but we don't want that. You can do this without my help. Yes, you can. Even you. Especially You.

So I want to know what you think the difference is. Maybe there is no difference. I hear the words used interchangeably, but I believe that is incorrect usage of the words. I believe that there is a difference. I just cannot put my finger on it. Tell me what you think, please. I asked nicely, so that means you have to...or else. Just kidding. But seriously, do it.

*Let me explain what I mean. I was with some friends and we were eating chips and drinking soda (the dinner part) and we were playing some Xbox (the party part). I chose to use dinner party because make me sound more sophisticated. You are probably saying right now "Sam, you're crazy! You're the most sophisticated guy I know!" And to you I say, "Thank you. I really appreciate that, but I didn't even know how to spell sophisticated. The little demons inside of my computer did it for me. But I appreciate the support!"