Monday, July 26, 2010

New site! Sort of...

So, I'm building a web site because I'm a nerd. Its called You can check it out now. The idea is to move my blog there someday when I learn how to do that. Knowing me, that could be a while. Anyways, check out the site, give me some feedback. Any reasonable suggestions would be greatly appreciated (keyword is reasonable).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Funny story...

Funny story for you. I accidentally deleted this blog. Luckily, Google is prepared for illiterate idiots like me! So I got it back. But now I have to give up my first born child to Google.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Whenever I see a bird hopping around on the ground, I like to pretend its a dinosaur. Its fun until I realize that there are many dinosaurs surrounding me. Then it becomes a little scary. That's when I go back to pretending that they are birds. In 5 minutes I forget and do it all over again.